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- Skin's function
Windows 8 UI > Desgined By. Renadel Dapize
On Thursday, May 9, 2013
Your body has a host of different defensive techniques to keep you protected from foreign invaders such as bacteria, viruses, and even household allergens. Whether it be the macrophages of your immune system or the earwax in your ear, the body is amazing at defending itself. One of the largest defense mechanisms that your body has is also the largest organ of your body: your skin.
The main way that your skin protects you against disease is through acting much as armor does to knight. The skin creates an impermeable layer that separates your body's internals from the disease causing bacteria and viruses outside of you. Of course, a break in the skin barrier can allow disease to make its way into the body, but as long as the skin is free of cuts or open sores, foreign invaders are unable to get in.
The skin also protects you from diseases by shedding on a regular basis. Although disease causing bacteria and viruses are unable to get through the skin to infect you without help from an opening or sore, they can attach themselves to the skin. Your skin is constantly making new cells and shedding old ones. When the dead skin cells are shed off your body to make room for the new cells, the bacteria and other disease causing agents fall of with the skin cells as well, removing them from the body.
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